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195KG Round Black Rubber Dumbbells+Solid Dumbbell Rack (EZ037C195KG-122)
: Unavailable
Regular price $1,299.00
195KG Round Black Rubber Dumbbells+Solid Dumbbell Rack (EZ037C195KG-122) 6 pairs 10KG to 22.5KG
195KG Round Black Rubber Dumbbells Thick Handle 33mm (EZ037C195KG)
Thick Handle 33mm High Quality
Material: Hard wearing rubber with solid steel handle
These round dumbbells are made from high-grade rubber and steel and are made to last.
The rubber coating at each end will minimize noise upon release while simultaneously limiting impact damage to both the dumbbell and flooring.
Available from 2.5KG to 50KG
Dumbbells Rack Commercial Quality for 6 pairs (EZ122)
Rack size: 1240x585x800mm
Rating: 600KG
Package A: 1240x260x110mm Weights: 16.5KG
Package B: 830x640x180mm, Weights: 11.2KG
Listing included:
6 pairs dumbbells
1 * Dumbells Rack
Best combined delivery cost.
- Standard delivered 4-5 Business Days
- Express delivered 2-4 Business Days
Orders are processed and delivered Monday-Friday (excluding public holidays)
Enjoy 7 days returns.

195KG Round Black Rubber Dumbbells+Solid Dumbbell Rack (EZ037C195KG-122)
Regular price $1,299.00